型号: | TIG-FRC-903 |
品牌: | Tempil |
原产地: | 美国 |
类别: | 包装印刷、纸业 / 印刷材料 |
标签︰ | 油墨 , 灭菌方式 |
单价: |
/ 件
最少订量: | 1 件 |
最后上线︰2025/01/03 |
Product Data 产品资料: Tempilink G-FRC-903
EO Gas Sterilization Indicating Ink 环氧⼄乙烷灭菌指示油墨
This easy to apply, easy to clean up waterborne ink will produce a flexographic print, capable of
functioning as a process indicator for EO gas sterilization process.
PERFORMANCE CONDITIONS: Requires EO gas, Moisture, and Temperature. Increasing amounts of
each, decrease time required for signal development. At 600 mg/l EO gas and a temperature of 120°F
(49°C), and relative humidity in the range of 60%-85%, color change will develop.
颜色转变条件: 环氧⼄乙烷气,湿气,温度,增加以上变色条件,可缩短变色时间。于环氧⼄乙烷气浓度
600mg/l,120°F (49°C) 及相对湿度60%-85%,颜色开始转变。
*We recommend not adding more than 5 % thinner. However, this amount can be exceeded as long as you
check that you get a good initial (print) and good final (signal) color.
Disclaimer: All information on this data sheet is based on general experience and for guideline purpose only.
Tempil makes no representation or warranties of any kind concerning this data
价格条款︰ | 具体价格,以当日报价单为准 |
付款方式︰ | 全款到账即发货 |
产品规格︰ | INDICATING TRANSFORMATION 颜色转变 INITIAL COLOR 初始颜色 SIGNALLED COLOR 讯号颜色 Red 红色 Brown 棕色 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES 物理特性 SPECIFIC GRAVITY 比重 1.06 (8.9 lbs/gallon 英镑/加仑) VISCOSITY (Brookfield-RVT) 黏度 700 cps (#3 spindle 转子 @ 20 RPM 转/分钟) VOC’s (ASTM D 2369-87) 挥发有机化合物 None 无 WEIGHT % SOLIDS 固体百份比% (重量) 39 GUIDELINES FOR USE 使用指引 ANILOX 网纹辊 95 – 100 lines/inch 线/英寸 (38-40 lines/cm 线/厘米) APPLICATION METHOD 印刷方法 Flexographic 柔版 COVERAGE (Approximate) 覆盖面积 (大约) 1100 ft²/gal 平方英尺/加仑 (27 m²/l 平方米/公升) DRYING TEMPERATURE 干燥温度 110°F - 125°F (43°C-52°C) PRESS SPEED 印刷速度 200 - 400 ft/min 英尺/分钟 (60-120 m/min 米/分钟) SUBSTRATE 印刷基材 Paper Kraft 牛皮纸 / Tyvek 特卫强 MIXING INSTRUCTIONS 混合方法 Proper homogeneous mixing of active ingredient from iink is essential for good color change 完全均匀匀混合 RECOMMENDED THINNER 建议稀释剂 Water* 水 (CAS # 7732-18-5) SHELF LIFE 存放期限 6 months from the date of shipment 出厂后6个月 STORAGE 存放方法 Store inks in their original container in dry location at a temperature between 60°F/15°C and 80°F/27°C. 存放于阴凉干燥环境,温度保持在 60°F/15°C 至 80°F/27°C |
产品优点︰ | 使用方便,变色稳定 |
主要市场︰ | 医药包装,密封袋子 |
最小订量︰ | 1加仑 |
交货日期︰ | 现货 |