型号: | hw320ds |
品牌: | 日本电王 |
原产地: | 中国 |
类别: | 工业设备 / 通用机械 / 焊接设备与材料 |
标签︰ | 发电电焊机 , 柴油引擎驱动焊机 , 内燃弧焊机 |
单价: |
/ 件
最少订量: | 1 件 |
最后上线︰2022/08/17 |
电王HW320DS发电电焊机 * HW320DS/320DS-I发电电焊机,品质管理严谨, 性能指标满足中国强制性认证 (CCC) 标准,产品除了面向中国,大量出口欧盟,是具有当今世界级技术水平的发电电焊机。
电王HW320DS发电电焊机 * 搭载久保田3缸水冷柴油发动机,动力强劲,经久耐用,满足排放标准,设备安全系数高。能满足纤维素焊条、低氢焊条、全位置焊接,电弧稳定,电流调节范围宽。
电王HW320DS发电电焊机 * HW320DS具有交流电输出功率大的特点,可提供50Hz 10KVA三相与3.3KW×2单相辅助电源。
电王HW320DS发电电焊机 * 仪表及自动报警装置系统完备。电流表、电压表、油量表、计时器以及水温、油压报警装置一目了然。静音处理与省油电磁阀装置,更体现环保与节能的时代精神。
形式 无刷式
驱动方式 直接连接
防护等级 IP21
绝缘等级 F
额定功率 KW 8.7
额定电流 DCA 280/115×2
额定电压 DCV 31.2
空载电压 DCV 75
额定使用率 % 50
电流调节范围 DCA 45~300/(45~155)×2
适用焊条 φmm 2.0~6.0
额定功率 KVA 10
额定电压 V 380
额定电流 A 15.2
功率因数 % 80
额定功率 KW 3.3
额定电压 V AC220
额定电流 A AC15
功率因数 % 100
工作状态 连 续
名称 久保田D905
形式 4冲程3缸
排气量 l 0.898
额定输出功率 KW 14.2
额定转速 rpm 3000
启动方式 电动
燃料 柴油
冷却方式 水冷
工作环境温度 ℃ -15~40
油箱容量 l 37
尺寸 mm 1300×710×803
净重 Kg 410
噪 音 dB 67(7m)
电瓶 12V—36Ah
One Unit ENGINE DRIVEN WELDERS HW320DS for All Your Welding Needs!
Engine Driven Welders incorporate a gasoline, diesel, or propane fueled engine coupled to an electrical generator to produce power for Stick, TIG, MIG and Flux-Cored welding. Engine driven welders are typically transported on a truck or trailer and are primarily used outdoors. The electricity generated by an engine driven welder powers fans, pumps, air compressors or other electrical tools commonly found on jobsites. During power outages, an engine driven welder can also be used as a backup generator.
155A×2 DC Arc Welding Power Source
HW320DS can perform high-quality welding on pipelines and other welding methods.(Types of welding: Stick, Tig, Mig, Flux-cored, Gouging, etc.)
High-Capacity High-Performance Generator
The unit can also be used as a 10kVA/50Hz high-capacity generator. With a voltage regulation of within ±1.5%. High-quality AC power can be used while welding is being performed.
Low Fuel Consumption and Long Life
The unit incorporate high-output diesel engine featuring low fuel consumption. Operation at low speed is easy on the engine, facilitating especially long life.
Special Design Facilitates Use in Virtually Any Location
The unit has been designed to operate in virtually all locations, from very hot to cold climates. It is ideal for high-quality welding and as a dependable source of power.