广州市纬庆化工科技有限公司罗世光 (销售) |
纬庆化工自1999年开始从事染料生产, 产品远销国内外,年销售额约为8000万人民币。 广州市纬庆化工科技有限公司是一家专业生产透明铬合染料系列产品的中外合资企业,在中国有两间工厂,数名从国外留学归来的博士负责产品的开发,同时纬庆和国外同行保持着广泛的技术 交流。目前,公司生产的产品有: 自产耐高温(220℃)色粉:和进口色粉同样的品质,价格低三分之一。红黄蓝绿黑棕,颜色齐全。适用于金属漆,摩托车漆,自行车漆,合成革,烤漆,高档家具漆。 1:耐高温色粉(透明染料),耐220度高温透明金属络合染料色粉。 2: 水油两用环保铬合染料(水油两用染料,液体) 3: 油性透明金属铬合染料(油性染料,液体) ABOUT US With a sales volume of 50millions in dyes each year, Weiqing Chemical Cooperation Limited, since 1999, has engaged in production of solvent dyestuff, and waterborne dyestuff which are applied to printing ink, wood furniture coatings and leather goods, etc. As it holds a leadership position in dyes and printing ink industries and responses to the government’s call of environment protection, Weiqing has developed a series of environment friendly products such as waterborne dyestuff. Except for an excellent Sales and Services Network all over the country, Weiqing has a large number of experienced engineers and outstan 会员信息