石家庄根成机械制造有限公司屈丽娜 (销售副总)
Shi Jia Zhuang Gencheng Machinery Manufacturing Corporation Ltd. is located in Shijiazhuang Economic & Technological Development Zone. Its scope of business includes: manufacturing and sale of non-standard equipment; design、research and experiment of packaging and meat product processing machines; technical consultant、technical transfer and after-sales service; repair、maintenance、 parts localization, maintenance and renovation of imported equipment. 董事长王根成从事食品机械行业二十年,积累了大量的宝贵经验,秉承“人无我有,人有我优。人优我特,人特我精。精雕细琢,打造精品。质量第一,信誉至上”的企业理念,标新立异,不畏艰险勇于创新,本着没有最好只有更好,敢于对客户负责,让客户放心的原则,一步一个脚印踏踏实实地做好每件事。是机械设备加工行业的一支后起之秀。 Mr. Wang Gencheng - Board Chairman - has been working in the business of food machinery for more than twenty years and accumulated many valuable experiences. His philosophy is to be creative, to be the best, to be unique and always better than others and be credible a 会员信息