型号: | STA-29 |
品牌: | STAHERB |
原产地: | 中国 |
类别: | 农业、食品 / 农产品及物资 / 植物提取物 |
标签︰ | 橄榄苦甙 , 橄榄叶提取物 , 橄榄苦甙 |
最后上线︰2024/09/11 |
别 名:油橄榄
英 文 名:Olive Leaf Extract
拉 丁 名:Canarium album Raeusch.
分 子 式:C25H32O13
分 子 量:540.51
活性成分:橄榄苦甙(Oleuropein), 羟基酪醇(Hydroxytyrosol)。
含 量:10%、20%、40%(本品)、80%
储 存:置于阴凉干燥、避光,避高温处。
1、制药 用于制造治疗病毒、细菌、原生动物类、寄生虫和吸血虫等所引起的疾病的新药,和治疗感冒的新药。
2、保健食品 在欧美等国家,橄榄叶提取物主要做为膳食补充剂,用于调节免疫力。
3、护肤品 高含量的橄榄苦甙主要用于护肤品,可以保护皮肤细胞不受紫外线的伤害,有效维持肌肤柔嫩与弹性,达到扶肤、嫩肤的功效。
Basic information:
1. Product Name: Olive Leaf Extract
2. Botanical Source: Canarium album (Lour.) Raeusch
3. Active Ingredient: Oleuropein & Hydroxytyrosol
4. Olive Leaf Extract Oleuropein: 10%, 20%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%
5. Olive Leaf Extract Hydroxytyrosol: 3%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 40%, 50%
6. Test Method: By HPLC
7. Appearance: Brown Green Powder; Brown Yellow Powder; Light Yellow Powder for Oleuropein
Brown Yellow Powder or Extractum
8. Olive Fruit Extract Polyphenol: 20% by UV
What is olive leaf extract?
Oleuropein is the leaf of the olive leaf. While olive oil is well known for its flavor and health benefits, olive leaf has been used medicinally in various times and places. Natural olive leaf and olive leaf extract oleuropein are now marketed as an antiaging,immunosttimulator and an antibiotic.
Clinical evidence has proven the blood pressure lowering effects of carefully extracted olive leaf extract oleuropein. Bioassays support its antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory effects at a laboratory level. Best quality oleuropein extract from Rongsheng biotechnology in China,A liquid extract made directly from fresh olive leaf recently gained international attention when olive leaf extract oleuropein was shown to have an antioxidant capacity almost double green tea extract and 400% higher than vitamin C.
Health Benefits of Olive Leaf Extract Hydroxytyrosol:
1. Anti-oxidation
2. Promote bone growth
3. Anti-cancer
4. Reduce and suppress the health hazards of smoking
5. Cardiovascular disease
Health Benefits of Olive Leaf Extract Oleuropein:
1. Anti-oxidation
2. Broad-spectrum antibiotic
3. Strengthen the immune system
4. Cardiovascular disease
Application of Olive Leaf Extract:
1.Medicine--- For manufacturer new drugs to treat some diseases that be caused by virus, bacteria, protozoa, parasites and blood-sucking insects.
2. Health Food---Primarily as a dietary supplement, for regulating the immune system
3. Skin Care-- High levels of oleuropein is mainly used for skin care products, can protect skin cells from UV damage, effectively maintain the skin soft and elastic.
4. Agriculture---Hydroxytyrosol is natural antibacterial, antiviral and fungicidal products, can effective control of pests
主要产品:杜仲提取物-绿原酸(5%-98%)、熊果酸(25%-98%)、科罗索酸(1%-98%)、苦杏仁苷(50%-98%)、淫羊藿苷(10%) -98%) 和其他标准化的高纯度植物提取物。
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